Saturday, June 15, 2013

Anticipation building


It was a bit of an emotional farewell at the airport. Kelly was slobberin' all over me. I could barely keep it together.

We're both going to miss each other.

 The flight from SLO to LAX was pretty uneventful. I did run into an old friend Becca that I haven't seen since last year. She had apparently walked by as Kelly and I were saying our goodbyes in San Luis.

"How'd she take the break up?"

Oh eavesdropping,  you do so much more harm than good.

After explaining the difficulty in being away from my wife for so long it was nice to go out and grab a bite and burn a couple of hours while we both waited for ridiculous flights.

She's on her way to  New York to visit her boyfriend. Naturally I talked for an hour straight and told her about every detail of my life, marriage, career goals and life aspirations.

When she finally got a few words in, she tried to lie to me.

"I met my boyfriend through some mutual friends".

Be careful not to step in the bullshit.

After some gentle coaxing, I finally learned that they met over something called "chat roulette".

Not being very internet savvy, I had no idea what she was talking about. Having an uncanny memory of random south parks episodes, however, I did remember mention of the chat forum on an epsiode making fun of facebook.

Naturally I had to ask if she was on there by mistake. She "went on there sometimes when she was bored"... Well was he there by mistake? How many kinds of stupid are you? You're about to fly to New York to meet someone you met on a porno chat site? Do I need to use silly acronyms to get through to this poor child?  btw wtf lol gtg u cray-cray ttyl!

I've never felt so old.

She looked at me like I was crazy for thinking she was crazy.

Ugh, get me to the jungle sooner rather than later. Maybe the next airport friend I make will have their head screwed on tighter.

La Selva or bust.

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