Tuesday, August 18, 2009

T-Minus 1 hour

Much closer to our destination now. It’s Tuesday Morning and we just woke up in LA. (I’m pretty sure Shia Lebouf walked past Lauren’s house when I went to the car, short little shit.) The drive down here was nerve racking, I don’t think I went any slower than 85 mph, we made it until about Lompoc before we had to pull over and relieve some tension. Coupled with two #1’s from IN-N-Out and a whole lot of karaoke. I’m sure the reader can imagine Kelly and I blasting down the 101 South towards LA screaming ‘what if God was one of us?”… I always have fun with her.
I can only wonder if other people envision Thailand the same way I do? shanty bamboo huts surrounded by thick dark green forests so thick an elephant couldn't go through. I imagine a world where everyone fishes for a living or farms some exotic plant I've never tasted.
I think it's a good and bad thing. Having very little expectations for a trip like this. I have, quite literally, no idea what we're getting into. That's not to say I didn't do my fair share of research; just that reading it and experiencing it are often two completely different beasts.
It feels weird not being at work today; I can't help but think of Devin and Brett no doubt being tortured by Mrs. Baker as I write these words. My hands are still callused and rough...where will I be in one week from now? What type of exotic and bizarre treats am I in for? Is it really going to be that hot? Will there be any natives as tall as me? How bad do elephants smell? Am I going to get Dengue fever and bleed through newly made holes in my eye sockets?
I really am traveling to a destination unknown at this point. I am jumping feet first down the rabbit hole and I’m nervous as hell. I’m grateful to the boss man for giving me a little perspective. “Dude, you think you’re nervous now? Wait until your wedding night or the day you have your first kid.” I can only wonder if I’ll be sharing my nervousness with the same partner throughout all these life experiences.
I’ve never been so nervous and excited at the same time….my little baby tummy is going nuts! I have leftover in-n-out waiting for me before the flight and I think we’ll leave for the airport in about an hour….A F*CKING HOUR!!!!
When you next read my words I will be half way around the globe. Until then.

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