Tuesday, August 6, 2013



It's weird to think that in less than 24 hours this will all be over.

I had a pretty good idea of how this summer would turn out.

I had



I've learned more in the last 8 weeks than I thought could possible for the summer.

It hasn't been all easy.

It's not easy having my two year wedding anniversary today... and not seeing my wife until Saturday    :  (

But I came here to learn.

 Mission accomplished.

I couldn't have asked for a better classroom.

And the jungle is always a willing teacher.

I took a walk today just to enjoy the forest and soak it all up before it's gone.

Ara ambigua (Great Green Macaw) I am sooo glad I finally got a good look at two of these beauties today. I'll admit, I was too enthralled and they flew by too quickly to get a good snap (I had to steal a photo from the interweb). As per usual, they looked amazing and sounded terrible. By the year 2000 there were only 210 known to be left in the wild. They're on the rebound (slowly) and I hope they'll be around to show my children one day. They are just beautiful animals!

Everywhere you look in the jungle, there is going to be something beautiful and amazing. Although, I am pretty darn lucky to be going home to a place as gorgeous as San Luis Obispo.

That doesn't mean I won't miss walking out on a rainy day and seeing

Amazing flowers

Angry rapids

Silly little mammals

Some of the most awe inspiring snakes on the planet

Little frogs

Big frogs

And even stinky peccaries!

I'll walk away with a greater appreciation for odd insects

Quiet spots to eat a snack

And more than anything.

 I've learned what is waiting out there in my future if I stick with this.

I can often times be a man filled with doubts.

 This has given me a drive . Not only to succeed, but to go out there and explore, and learn, and discover, just for the sake of it.

I can never thank the jungle enough for all it's lessons.

From the embarrassing (be wary of who may be watching in the jungle) 

To the unbelievable (monkeys can and will  cover you with their crap if given the opportunity)

The unfortunate (the most amazing animals may be in serious trouble)

To the incredible (nothing, I mean nothing, is more adorable than a sloth)

The frightening (baby caimans will call for mama if harassed)

 To the obvious (heat + excessive sweat = misery)

It has been a wild ride. And I have learned and seen things that can't be undone.

I never could have imagined how this would have turned out. And I couldn't be happier for that...

1 comment:

  1. Your postings have brought tears to my eyes! I will miss them, but at the same time, I'm so glad you're coming home. Your family is so lucky to have you. It's so much fun to watch your career develop. I just know that you'll have a most adventurous and stimulating future. So proud of you.
