Monday, July 1, 2013



Today was spent working on my frog models mostly. Hammering out a lot of details.

I hope by tomorrow I'll start to collect some solid, usable data about what kinds of temperatures my animals have available to them in their environment. I can compare these numbers to the types of temperatures I've been finding them in.

That way I can see what they use vs. what they have available.

Still no word if the immunology stuff is going to work out.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I had to release my favorite little frogs today...

But not before I snapped a million more photos!

I could have been working... I should have been working. But I just can't get much done with anything so photogenic.

My wife, Kelly, has an uncanny ability to take 'selfies'.

I, however, am still perfecting the mysterious art-form.

Progress is progress I suppose. 

Hi, my name is George and I'm addicted to taking photos of adorable frogs.

P.S. trying to get 21 frogs to sit still for the 'perfect' photograph?...impossible.

I did so much work today I didn't get the chance to find a bunch of new critters to take photos of.

It was good to make so much progress on the project.

 Not so good for the blog.

This little house gecko did come to say hello to me in the shower. pretty cool to hold.

Until he took a poop all over me!

Little jerk.

These lines on his feet are part of structures called setae and that have an amazing ability to hold up weight. They're still trying to figure out how they can hold themselves up by only half of one toe! Pretty cool.

Campephilus guatemalensis (Pale-billed woodpecker) This bird has a hair cut that very closely resembles George circa 2001. Mine was purple though. Mom and dad said I'd regret that haircut. Pskt, what do they know? Oh how I wish I had photographic evidence of that big ol' catastrophe...Actually, maybe I don't

More work, work, work tomorrow.

I have no reason to go, but I think I'll head out to the swamp again tomorrow night.

I can't wait. 

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